Curriculum Vitae


Bruno Johannsson was born in the year 1943 in Saxony, Germany. In 1949 he had his first great adventure when he crrossed the border to Western Germany at the hands of his mother..His education he finished at the Georg-Büchner-Schule, Darmstadt, with a special award . As a young couple Bruno and  his wife Thea  performed a mission in Vienna. They have two foster children. Bruno has a degree in economics from the University of Saarland. and was active in research and teaching. Poetry accompanied his work from the age of seventeen. In 1976 he published the first edition of Come in German. He performed readings in Hamburg, Bergedorf, Loccum, Darmstadt, Dortmund, Vienna and Bad Wörishofen. Some of his poems can be found in the annual anthology of the Library of German Poetry in the years 2015, 2016 and 2017. Philosophy and Theology became a new focus in his retirement period. In 2017 he won the price of the jury in the philosophy slam Chemnitz, Saxony. Together with his wife Thea he published four volumes of philosophical dialogues They performed more than fifty conferences and ten radio broadcasts about different social and scientific subjects.




Economics and Poiltical Science


Investitionen und Steuern (Investment and taxes), 2 volumes, 1989, published by Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt a. M.–Bern–New York–Paris (with Sievert, Naust, Jochum, Peglow).

ISBN: 3-631-407424 . Only used copies available in online shops.


Die Umschulungsentscheidung. Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsmodells [Retraining Decision. Development of a decision-making model], . in: Otto F. Bode und Kai Hirschmann (Hrsg.): Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen. Aktive Weiterbildung als Alternative zur Transformationsarbeitslosigkeit. Probleme der Einheit, Band 10, 1992, published by Metropolis-Verlag, Marburg

Link zu Amazon:


Ich liebe dich, wenn ich mich liebe. Ich liebe mich, wenn ich dich liebe. Zum Verhältnis von Eigen- und Nächstenliebe (I love you, when I love me. I love me, when I love you. About the relationship of amour-propre and charity), in: Hofweber, Gerhard (Hg.): Philosophy Slam, 2015, published by Belka-Verlag, Stegaurach.

The Link to Amazon:


Flucht - eine globale Herausforderung. Wege im Dilemma (Flight - a Global Challenge. Ways in the Dilemma). Edition Aquin 1, 2017, Twentysix in Random House, Norderstedt.

Here the link to Amazon with contents and reading samples


Flüchtlingspolitisches Manifest. (Manifest for a Refugee Policy). Die Thesen, Fragen und Vorschläge aus "Flucht - eine globale Herausforderung". Im Vorspann: Thea und Bruno Johannsson: Agenda für eine global-solidarische Flüchtlingspolitik vom 16. April 2018.

Edition Aquin 1.1., 2018, Twentysix in Random House, Norderstedt

Here the link to Amazon:


A plea for a global refugee policy based on solidarity. A contribution to the UN-conference series2016-2018 about a compact on refugees (With Thea Johannsson in German, translated by Hilary Teske)

Here the link to the text on this homepage:





(with Thea Johannsson)


Spielregeln der Gesellschaft. Was uns zusammen hält und auseinander treibt.

Philosophische Dialoge, Band 1 in der Edition Sokrates 

Here the link to Amazon with contents and reading samples:


Der Weg zur Wahrheit holprig und schmal?

Philosophische Dialoge, Band 2 in der Edition Sokrates


Im Chaos der Möglichkeiten. Wo ist mein Weg?

Philosophische Dialoge, Band 3 in der Edition Sokrates


Letztfragen – und keine Antworten?

Philosophische Dialoge, Band 4 in der Edition Sokrates





Liebe am Hang. Erzählung.  (Love on the Slope. Short Story). Hamburg 1974 (out of print)


Zukunftsmusik. Gedichte (Music of the Future. Poetry), Darmstadt 1976 (out of print). Second edition planned for 2021.


Come. Poems. Translation from the German by Hilary Teske. Eliza Editions 1. Twentysix in the Random House Group, Norderstedt 2017. Available in USA, UK, Canada and Australia. For the links see "Home" on this site.